01825 840966

About Us - The HVMC


The practice is situated in the pretty East Sussex village of East Hoathly, about a mile from the A22. We are around 40 to 50 minutes from Eastbourne, Brighton and Tunbridge Wells and about 2 hours from South London, Chichester and Canterbury.

  • The HVMC was established by Tim in 1995 to provide alternative veterinary therapies for a range of domestic and farm animals. We use Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine (including CBD oil) and Acupuncture as well as the use of Flower Essences, Nutraceutical Medicine (the use of dietary supplements), Medicinal Mushrooms, Essiac and Iscador. We can also help with Dietary Advice including advice on raw food feeding.
  • Joining Tim are vet Kay Barkley, vet Siobhan Menzies, chiropractor Serena Ridley and Canine Nutritionist & Wellness Coach Toni Stevens.
  • There is ample easy level parking and a playing field across the road to exercise your dog. There is also room for parking small to medium sized horse boxes as well.

The village has an excellent Coffee Shop, Pub, Village Shop & Post Office.


How we can help ....

We can provide support for range of acute and chronic, non-life-threatening conditions from A to Z, including minor injuries, arthritis, back pain, allergies, IBD & other digestive problems, endocrine conditions such as Cushing’s Disease, behavioural issues including cognitive dysfunction, epilepsy, liver and kidney issues and some immune based diseases.


All breeds ....

Common conditions we help with include mobility issues, skin problems, over-grooming, stress linked cystitis, liver and kidney disease, epilepsy, rodent ulcers, rhinitis and sinusitis and some behavioural problems.


Large and small ....

The most common problems we can address include sweet itch, Cushing’s Disease, EMS, chronic laminitis, head shaking, DJD and back pain, rhinitis and sinusitis and COPD as well as some types of sarcoid.


Both farm and pet ....

There are a number of conditions that we have been able to manage using alternative approaches, including mastitis, ringworm, back injuries (post-calving), chronic foot abscesses, chronic respiratory disease and mobility issues.


Often respond well ....

Back pain and mobility problems in general, skin problems such as orf, and other conditions such as pink eye, chronic respiratory disease, foot rot and chronic abscesses can all respond to an alternative approach.


To alternative approaches

We can sometimes help with abscesses, back leg weakness, skin issues including pododermatitis, snuffles, mastitis, endometritis, chronic diarrhoea and some eye and ear conditions.


We offer a wide range of therapies, sometimes applied singly, sometimes in combination, across all species.

Our aim is to treat animals as individuals and tailor each treatment accordingly.





Homeopathy is based on the principal of "like treat like" and uses ultra high dilutions of substances working at nano particle level. Remedies are matched closely to the animals symptoms to stimulate resolution of the clinical symptoms linked with illness. Homeopathy can be used to support animals of all species across a huge range of medical problems.

Herbal Medicine



Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine, sometimes called Phytotherapy, uses plants that have medicinal properties to provide support for a wide variety of conditions. Plants contain complex mixtures of compounds that have synergistic effects within a single remedy or within mixes made from combining several herbal remedies together. Plant based remedies have physical actions on the body such as relieving inflammation, boosting the immune system, loosening mucus, stimulating healing, removing toxins and supporting individual organs such as the liver, kidneys and brain.




Acupunture involves the stimulation of acupuncture points (using traditional acupuncture needles or a laser) which lie on specific lines running over the body called meridians. This type of therapy is especially good at helping with musculoskeletal problems such as joint or back pain and neurological conditions, but can be used to provide support for a range of other conditions as well.




Flower Essences

Flower Essences work on homeopathic principles, using healing properties of individual flowers. They are used almost exclusively to help with behavioural problems and the physical ailments that can result from behavioral issues. The Bach Flower Remedies (which includes Rescue Remedy) are the most famous range of flower essences but we often like to use Australian Bush Essences for the animals we see here.




Pain/Rehabilitation Clinics

with Vet Siobhan

Veterinary Rehabilitation and Multimodal Analgesia clinics with vet Siobhan Menzies. Improve your pet's quality of life by using pain relieving medications and physical therapies to assist in their recovery from surgery, illness, trauma or debilitation. Conditions that respond include osteoarthritis, elbow and hip dysplasia, cruciate disease, spinal disease, degenerative myelopathy, lumbosacral disease, sporting injuries, tendinopathies, muscle weakness, geriatric issues, recovery from surgery, accidents etc. Any condition that causes pain or affects movement in cats or dogs might benefit. Therapies include acupuncture, physiotherapy, laser, Emmett therapy, electro-therapy, therapeutic exercises, conventional and complementary medications and supplements.

Dietary Advice



Diet & Nutraceutical Medicine

We are real fans of raw food feeding but can give you advice on any type of diet, on pet food labeling, pet food ingredients and on how diet can be used to improve health generally and in relation to a number of different conditions. This includes in particular, long term gut conditions, kidney disease and skin problems such as allergies.


Nutraceutical Medicine uses nutritional supplements which act like medicines but which can only be classed supplements. We use a wide range to help with problems as diverse as cognative decline, gut health, respiratory disorders, skin problems, poor immune function and mobilty.

Dietary Advice



Chiropractic with Serena

The McTimony approach is a safe, effective, non-invasive and gentle approach to chiropractic, working to align and balance the musculoskeletal system. The benefits can include improved joint flexability and range of movement, stride length increase and balancing of weight on each leg, improved co-ordination (great for sports dogs), improved blood circulation and relief from pain and discomfort.

Dietary Advice



Canine Well-being with Toni

Coaching and advice on Canine well-being, taking a holistic approach to health and fitness for dogs through diet and mobility. Help with transition to, and maintaining a species appropriate raw diet that supports the body from within, along with complementary therapies Reiki and Emmett.


Reiki, (pronounced Ray-kee) is derived from the Japanese words rei, meaning universal, and kei, meaning life energy. A non evasive, gentle healing form, and complementary energy therapy, developed by Mikao Usui. It is based on the principle that everything in the universe consists of energy that flows around and through living beings. It is believed that disruption to this energy may cause health problems and practitioners seek to restore the balance of the energy flow. Emmett is a unique body therapy and involves using a gentle muscle release technique. It understands the body's response to light touch via skin receptors which connect to the brain allowing resetting of muscle action through muscle memory recalibration. It can help with injuries, gait abnormalities, back pain, sprains and strains, performance issues and some behavioural problems.




Support for Cancer Cases

We can provide integrative support for cancer cases using homeopathy, herbs, diet, medicinal mushrooms and other immune supporting supplements. We also have many years experince in using Iscador which is based on the use of Mistletoe. Most of the cancer supporting therapies can be used alongside conventional medications. We can also provide support for animals receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Remedies, other Medicines and Supplements not included

With Vet Tim or Kay

  • First face to face consultation - Around 1 hour, £185.00
  • Reduced first consultation for existing clients (registered onwards from January 2020 only), Around 1 hour, £165.00
  • Second face to face consultation - Around 30 minutes, £65.00
  • Third face to face consultation - Around 30 minutes, £50.00
  • Video (Zoom) consultation - Around 40 minutes, £160.00
  • Telephone consultation - Depends on time, Around 30-60 minutes, £90.00-160.00
  • Repeat Acupuncture Session (with Tim), £52.00
  • Reduced consultations for East Hoathly Pets, from £45.00
  • House calls, on a mileage basis, please contact reception

With Vet Siobhan - Multimodal Pain Relief Clinics & Veterinary Rehabilitation

  • Initial consultation, around 1 hour, £150.00
  • Follow up consultation, (30-45 minutes), £90.00

With Serena

  • Chiropractic Session, around 30 minutes, £45.00

With Toni

  • Well being consultation, Emmett Therapy or Reiki, Up to 1 hour, £55.00

Opening Hours


Monday - 9.00am to 5.00pm

Tuesday - 9.00am to 5.00pm

Wednesday - 9.00am to 5.00pm

Thursday - 9.00am to 5.00pm

Friday - 9.00am to 5.00pm

Saturday - Closed

Sunday - Closed

Bank Holidays - Closed


Welcome to the HVMC Team

Kay Barkley BVetMed,


Veterinary Surgeon

Before becoming a vet, I was a General and Sick Children's Nurse in Manchester and London, studying in my spare time to achieve the necessary qualifications to apply to veterinary college. I qualified from The Royal Veterinary College in 2006 and as a new graduate vet worked at the RSPCA Harmsworth Hospital in Finsbury Park, London. I have obtained the LFHom(Vet) qualification and am now studying towards VetMFHom certification. I live in Whitstable with my husband and our two children that we educate at home.

Tim Couzens BVetMed, VetMFHom, CertVetAc (IVAS), MRCVS

Veterinary Surgeon, Practice Principle

Tim qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 1980 and spent his first year as a qualified vet working in Ealing. Moving to the New Forest in 1982 he spent the next 3 years in mixed practice before moving to Sussex. Until 1990 he worked in small animal and equine practices during which time he had the opportunity to attend some of the original homeopathic courses for vets held in at the RLHH in Great Ormond Street.

Tim gained his membership of the Faculty of Homeopathy in 1991, his IVAS certificate of Veterinary Acupuncture in 1999 and is self-taught in veterinary herbal medicine. He opened the HVMC in 1995 as a dedicated holistic clinic. He is co-author of several books and sole author of Homeopathy for Horses published by Kenilworth and Horses and Homeopathy published by Saltire. He has three grown up children and a niece who is a small animal veterinary surgeon.

Siobhan Menzies BVM&S, CCRP, GPCert, LFHom(Vet), MRCVS

Veterinary Surgeon

Siobhan has spent more than twenty years working in pain management for pets and is passionate about improving the quality of life of animals struggling with reduced mobility and chronic pain. In 2002 she opened Northern Ireland’s first dedicated acupuncture, pain management and rehabilitation clinic, providing tailored multimodal analgesia solutions for dogs and cats and is looking forward to providing a similar service in Kent and East Sussex. She holds a CCRP [Canine Certified Rehabilitation Practitioner] qualification, a GP Certificate in Western Veterinary Acupuncture and Chronic Pain and has studied Canine Sports Medicine with the CRI.

She has lectured to the veterinary profession on pain management, rehabilitation and cannabinoids and is currently preparing a practical rehabilitation course for vets and vet nurses in order to encourage this valuable therapy within the profession. She lives with her husband and dogs in Kent and NI and loves travel, hiking and kayaking.

Serena Ridley DC, MChiro, MMCA, MSc


Serena has always been an animal lover, and after a nasty fall whilst competing her pony, injuring the pair, she sought a McTimoney Chiropractor to help them both. Having been so impressed at the results of the technique, she decided, aged 13, to pursue a career in McTimoney Chiropractic. After finishing her A Levels, Serena completed a 5 year Masters course to treat humans, followed by a second Masters course to treat animals. Serena is registered with the McTimoney Association (MCA) and the General Chiropractic Council (GCC).

Toni Stevens BCCSDip, HthNut

Symbiotics: Mobility, Diet, Training

Toni has a lifelong passion for animals, particularly dogs and their relationship with humans. As a Canine Wellness Coach, I can enable you to maintain a balanced and rewarding relationship between you and your canine companion. This is achieved through a combination of instructor led dog training, complimentary therapies to improve mobility and wellbeing as well as a nutritious diet. Symbiotics was born from my passion for dogs and the relationship that develops between owners and their dogs from the positive effects of health and fitness, a balance between training, diet and mobility. Dogs and humans are complex and yet they develop these wonderful relationships. When humans provide a dog with the balance for it to thrive, they in return receive affection, trust and happiness.

I am qualified in the following disciplines: Canine nutrition, training & behaviour, myofascial muscle therapy (Emmett) and Reiki. Please contact me via my website for more information on how I can help.


Useful Links

Useful and practical links to help you find out more information on Veterinary Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture as well as information on Chiropractic, Symbiotics and Raw Food Feeding and books which might be of interest.

Broadoak Chiro
Hom UK


All our contact details are below, including where to find us. The phone line can be very busy so if its engaged our apologies.

You can leave messages on our answer phone outside normal working hours.


HMVC, Unit 2, The Village Works, London Road, East Hoathly, East Sussex, BN8 6QA, UK


01825 840966

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